Roulade de Meringue à la Confiture de Pêches - Peach Meringue Roulade. Roulade de Meringue à la Confiture de Pêches. Un dessert très léger au goût.
I love Essential and Carrier Oils. In this Blog I will give you some Ideas what I use them for apart from Burning. These Tips really work as I said I use them all the time and use them for the Tips I am about to give you to. Even though sweet Almond Oil is an Oil it is working great as an eye Make up remover, does not make the eyes water. Get a Cotton wool Pad, dampen it ad a Bit of Sweet Almond Oil and sweep gently over the eyes.
Just click on the Banner and it will take you to the Glitter Fairies and Others. Saturday, 30 January 2010.
Mon blog est de HSM et de mes potes.